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100% No-Risk Guarantee

30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Yes, I’m ready to start learning more about becoming an event planner and getting my certificate when I complete the course by consuming the material and turning in my passing assignment! I understand that I’ll be charged the above amount today, and that I’ll receive instant online access to the event planner course. My purchase is covered by a 30 day, unconditional money back guarantee if I’m not satisfied for any reason. I understand that if I have any questions I can email I agree to being ready to take the full course along with all bonuses and templates that come with the course.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is the course delivered?
Immediately after you make your purchase and create a user name and password above, you will receive a welcome email. You can go this page to log-in and begin your course: Member Log-in
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, all course and bonuses have a 30-day, no questions asked guarantee.
In other words, if you are not happy for any reason, just let us know and we'll give you your money back. We don't think it will come to that but if you are the least bit worried if this material is for you, then this guaranteed refund policy will put your mind at ease.
You either like the material and get results or you get your money back. It's as simple as that!
How does the course work?
Simply log-in and review all the material. You will see a bonuses section, four modules, 12 sections and 22 assignments. The different parts of the course become available at different points in time. Since the course is self-paced, on the first day you log in you have access to module 1, first 4 sections and all the bonuses. Then every two days from then on, all the other sections become available. This is done so you read each section in order and have a couple of days to absorb it. We update the course with new information, trends and interviews frequently.
How do I contact you?
You can email us at Please allow 24 for us to reply. Usually we are much faster but sometimes we are out of the office especially on weekends and holidays.
Still have questions? Email us -
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